Annotation Interface OnReturn

@Target(METHOD) @Retention(RUNTIME) public @interface OnReturn
Annotates a method in a @Pointcut class that should be run just after each method (or constructor) execution picked out by the Pointcut, but only if the method picked out by the Pointcut returns successfully (does not throw an Exception). Only one method in a @Pointcut class may be annotated with @OnReturn.

An @OnReturn method can accept parameters annotated with any of the following: @BindReceiver, @BindParameter, @BindParameterArray, @BindMethodName, @BindTraveler or @BindReturn. @BindTraveler can only be used if there is a corresponding @OnBefore method that returns a non-void type (the traveler). @BindReturn can only be used if each method picked out by the Pointcut returns a non-void type. If @BindReturn is used, it must be the first parameter to the @OnReturn method.

An @OnReturn method may return void or a non-void type. If it returns a non-void type, the value returned by the @OnReturn method is returned from the method execution picked out by the Pointcut instead of that method's original return value. This can be used to wrap the original return value by passing the original return value in to an @OnReturn method (using @BindReturn) and then returning the wrapped value.